Friday, July 15, 2011

Oh the Summer Blues..

There is nothing better than crafts to occupy your free time, especially when you aren't working enough and your boyfriends out of town! haha this vase combo is something I made one day to fill the "bland" space above my AC unit. It needed a little pizzazz so I gave it some! Unfortunately I did not take pictures of the vase making process, but you can see the picture and there are detailed instructions below!

supplies needed
*note before buying your supplies pick a co-ordinated color scheme that you simply love!!*
- thin piece of wood around 18" long (home depot for $1.54)
- 1 can of spray paint in your desired color
- 1 roll of thin satin ribbon (Michael's for $2)
- 6 glass bottles (I bought a 6 pack of root beer from the grocery store and saved the bottles)
- 6 different types of fake flowers in co-ordinating color scheme
- paint of desired color for bottom wood piece
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- painting sheet 

  1.  First things first make sure your bottles are washed and the sticky stuff on the outside from the labels is all gone. My boyfriend taught me a wonderful trick - use acetone nail polish remover on a cotton ball to rub off all the stickiness.
  2. Spray paint the glass bottles your desired color - keep in mind that if you spray too close you will have runs on the bottles, and they will not look as good (I made this mistake) then let dry and re-coat until desired color.
  3. Paint the piece of wood a neutral color such as black, brown, tan, or even a wood stain would do. (I used a black paint I already had in my craft supplies.) let dry.
  4. Take your ribbon and cut pieces the desired length of your bows. Mine were about 9". Then proceed to tie them around the rim of the bottles using the lip from the bottle caps as a guide. I tied 2 nots to make sure the bows sat the way I wanted.
  5. Next place the bottles on the wood piece with proper spacing and hot glue gun the bottom of the bottles to the wood. Be sure to get the hot glue not only in the center (which won't touch the wood very well) but along the edges of the bottle,this will help secure them the best.
  6. last step!! simply arrange your flowers in the pattern you would like! Voila! You're done!


1 comment:

  1. Love this!

    I work with AllFreeJewelryMaking and have been trying to contact you. Please email me if there is a good way to reach you. Thanks!

    Adam Kaplan
